About Us
Find out a little more about why we are so into almonds.
Quality is our Legacy
It’s the fruit of a commitment to a craft, and care woven into every step of the process. It’s a beautiful reward for countless subtle decisions. And as a co-op of more than 3,000 growers, with one guiding goal, to bring the benefits of almonds to the world, we’ve been pioneering how almonds are enjoyed for over 100 years, including our wonderful Almond Breeze® almond beverage.
Almonds Are All We Do
When it comes to creating delicious, versatile almond products we are never short on ideas. At every step of the process, we work to ensure that the highest quality product is being produced. We want you to love our product as much as we do, which is why we constantly innovate new ways for you to enjoy it.

A Family Operation
Being a cooperative of growers is important to us for so many reasons, but one especially close to our hearts is having the ability to work with people who love almonds as much as we do and who care as much about healthy ecosystems as they do about the bottom line. Learn more about our sustainability practices.